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Saturday - Thursday 8 am - 5 pm

MicroSmart Privacy

May - 2023

MicroSmart’s privacy policy applies to its website and social media sites. The privacy notice describes how MicroSmart collects, processes, uses, and protects personal data. MicroSmart may modify or change the terms of the Privacy Policy without referring to any party.

MicroSmart provides training services to individuals and organizations, digital information technology services, and these services include websites, applications, programs, and everything related to E-commerce marketing activities.

  1. 1) Data Collection :

    • In the training program for individuals, MicroSmart works to collect general data from its customers, including name, gender, date of birth, phone number, e-mail, governorate, education, naming the training courses that customers wish to join, and customer preferences.
    • Through a request (contact us), customers both individuals and companies can contact MicroSmart to request a specific service. The request includes name data, contact number, e-mail, and message text.
    • MicroSmart collects data from questionnaires for various research purposes, including but not limited to, training services, quality improvement, and business services, through the website or social media.
    • MicroSmart Website uses "cookie" technology to collect information about how you use the Website, which may include your data. The use of cookies is essential to the operation of our website and to improve our customers' experience.
  2. 2) Use of data:

    MicroSmart uses data to achieve the following tasks: -

    • Improve the quality of its services.
    • Identify training needs and preferences for individual services and the business.
    • Marketing and research purposes.
    • Studying products, markets, and consumer preferences.
    • Communication with clients.
  3. 3) Data security:

    • All data provided by customers is characterized by privacy and confidentiality.
    • Access to data is limited according to the specialization and tasks of the concerned employees, and according to access protocols and other procedures.
  4. 4) Data Sharing:

    • MicroSmart does not share individual customer data with any party.
    • It is possible for MicroSmart to share the results of research and studies in general so that it does not include individual customer data.
  5. 5) Delete data:

    • MicroSmart deletes incomplete customer data that does not comply with quality standards, and MicroSmart is not bound by any procedure to inform customers whose data applies to this item.
    • MicroSmart deletes customer data for many considerations, including, but not limited to, services got provided, updating and developing the website in whole or in part, developing data collection tools, and MicroSmart can voluntarily mention this in its website only.
  6. 6) Disclaimer:

    • This Privacy Notice does not grant or confer any contractual rights of any kind or any other legal rights and does not create any obligations on MicroSmart with respect to, or on behalf of any party.
    • In the event that there is a link to a third party or to a partner of MicroSmart or a marketing link to a third party on our website or on our social media sites, MicroSmart is not responsible for the content of third-party websites, and we do not represent any party. Therefore, we recommend that you review the privacy and security policy for each link you log in to.

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